New files

If AVAST32 reports that it has found new files, it may concern several cases. The most easy of them is that it really relates to a new file originating from a legal source. The solution is simple, just accept it, and thus it will be stored in the database of files. What is the legal source, however, it is a more difficult question. For example, a really legal source is represented by the installation media of the program, which you have recently installed. The program mentioned could also have been installed by your colleague or the Network Administrator. If you have good relationships in your firm, then they were sure to have informed you about this matter, and you may decide whether the file is O.K. or not.

It may also concern a temporary file which was created by a program for its need, and such a program is currently using it or it "has forgotten" to delete it. It is probably also O.K., but a file of this type could also create a virus. The decision may be very difficult and it is fully up to you.

Also the use of the "Recycle bin" for the deleting of files will cause that the new files in the appropriate folder will be detected.

Do not be confused by the fact that a new file has arisen in a folder of a well-known name, e.g. in the operating system folder. The authors of viruses know these directories too, and use them with success.